Dermatology and Cosmetology 2020 is going tobe an outstanding event that brings together a diverse multinational blend ofbusinesses or sectors, leading universities, and academic institutions, makingthis meeting an ideal forum for sharing knowledge across business and academiaand evaluating emerging dermatology and cosmetology technologies worldwide.
Theme: " Dermatology andCosmetology: A Scientific Investigation".
The two-dayconference is an occasion to have an excellent keynote session led by the bestin Dermatology by itsbrilliant symposia and workshops from well-established industry experts. Itwill also be a brilliant open door for members of universities and institutionsto work with international academics and a great chance for companiesinterested in extending their International market presence.
The main aim ofthis conference is to produce a multitude of courses that can be chosen fromeach segment and to offer academic peers a unique opportunity to establish aresearch network. Interested people can participate and enjoy a fun time in Prague,in collaboration with their colleagues.
Conference Benefits:
Target Audience:
We genuinely hope that Dermatology Summit 2020 will serve as a global platform for bringing together researchersfrom around the world, where experts will collaborate and create newpossibilities, including the formation of new partnerships.