Allied Academies

Session 9 - Pediatric Dermatology:

Session 9 - Pediatric Dermatology:

Pediatricdermatologists are specialists in diagnosing baby skin disorders and treatingthem properly, including careful pediatric management. They cure skin disorderssuch as warts and other skin injuries medically and/or surgically. There arealso childhood physiological abnormalities such as the expansion of thechildhood blood vessel, which may not occur in adults. Special symptoms canoccur in children under common conditions, such as psoriasis.

·        Collagen vascular disorders

·        Melanocytic nevi

·        Acneiform eruptions

·        Vascular and pigmented birthmarks

·        Dermatitis

·        Genodermatoses

Related: Cosmetic Event | CosmetologyConference | DermatologyCongress | SurgicalDermatology and Cosmetology Gathering | SurgicalDermatology Meeting

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