Allied Academies

Session 6 - Dermato-Oncology:

Session 6 - Dermato-Oncology:

Dermato-Oncology is the maintopic of study in the dermatology branch and focuses on three topics: Carcinomaof the keratinocyte; Melanoma; and lymphoma cutaneous, particularly inrecipients of organ transplant. For any of the three patient meetings, theDermatology section is considered a tertiary point of reference. Dedicatedcenters are established to fulfill the double necessities of a patient meeting,in particular: ensuring ideal treatment, (counting admission to clinicaltrials) and the deliberate collection of clinical evidence and examples frompatients. Important, translational, and clinical research consists ofphysicians and basic researchers in concerted efforts.

·        Basal cell carcinoma.

·        Squamous cell carcinoma.

·        Merkel cell cancer.

·        Melanoma.

Related: Dermato-OncologyConference | Dermato-OncologyCongress | Dermato-OncologyGathering | Dermato-OncologyMeeting | Dermato-OncologyEvent 

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