Allied Academies

Mohs Surgery

Mohs Surgery

Mohs Surgery has the best recovery potential, an innovative procedure for skin cancer therapy. The most effective treatment for skin cancer is Mohs surgery, which is a cutting-edge technique. It is dependent on a microscope's precise tracking and removal of skin cancer at its source. With the use of this method, dermatologists with training in Mohs surgery may accurately detect the entire tumor and remove it while sparing surrounding good tissue. This method is frequently used to treat basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, two different types of skin disorders. The most precise tumor removal technique has the highest cure rate of all skin cancer treatments, lowers the risk of tumor replenishment, and raises the possibility of cure rather than defect.

  • Cancer-causing agents
  • Treatment, diagnosis, and prevention
  • Skin cancer that is not melanoma
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